Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Results and Mould Making

Yesterday I went into college for the last time to take down my work and get my grade for the course. Taking down my work was easy, and only took a short amount of time, as the majority of the sculptures were simply glued to the wall using a glue gun. Getting my results was exciting as I received a distinction for all the work that I have created over the past few months. This is a result that I'm really happy with.

Today I went to Butley to work, I began the day by moving lots of pallets from outside the studio to their new home outside the chicken sheds. This was strenuous to say the least. I then had to flatten the skip, as it was nearly triple the size as it should have been. This involved lots of jumping, which sounds like fun, but was not.

After this I poured some more concrete heads. By this point I very much know the process. Even though it's quite a simple one, it's good to know it off by heart.

After lunch I only had to move the cement mixer outside and plug it in. This was used to make each of the concrete heads unique, accomplished by putting one head in at a time alongside some scrap pieces and turning the machine on for about two minutes.

As I had been left to my own devices and didn't have any tape to make any wood moulds I decided to attempt to create a two piece mould using plaster. I had some help from a guy called Freddy ( who was really helpful throughout the whole process. I was only able to create the plaster parts today, as it took quite a long time and it was already quite late by the time I had got to that point. I won't go into the details of the make, as it is a surprisingly long process. Hopefully I'll have time on Friday to pour the rubber into the mould so that on Tuesday I'll be able to test it out to see if it works, as you need to leave the rubber to dry for at least a day or so. Even if it doesn't work as well as I want it to, it'll still be a success, as I will have made my first plaster mould!

At the end of the day we had to load a van full of Laurence's work which is going to London tomorrow (I think). This was quite hard as a lot of the work is incredibly heavy and has to be tied down so it doesn't hit into the sides of the vehicle.
Tomorrow I want to think more about how I'm going to use wood as the main mould piece for my work, working out ways to fold the wood rather than having it snap in my hands. I also want to finally upload all my photographs of my past work onto my main site, something that I have been meaning to do for a few weeks now.

Daily Snapchat:

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