Wednesday 5 August 2015

Painting Wax and Humans

On Monday I went to Butley to work again, the majority of the day was spent painting wax into around six or seven moulds. This is a simple job but it is quite important as if it's been done badly all the detail of the mould will be lost.
After I was finished with the wax painting I was allowed to get on with my own work. So I opened up the mould that I had poured on Friday, which unfortunately hadn't dipped at all. After many experiments I think I've deduced that the plaster mould is too thick, keeping all the heat in, and that's why the wax has stopped dipping into itself. So I now think that I need to make a mould out of metal, or just go back to the wooden moulds or make another plaster mould that's a lot thinner than my current one. So that I can get the wax to dip once again.
I then proceeded to smash the wax sculpture into pieces, generating more of the broken up art works. Some of these are starting to become really interesting, and I feel that the detail of the wax would look quite enticing in bronze. Hopefully in the future I can create one or two bronze pieces out of the broken sculptures, when I have refined them further.

I also ended up pouring another wax piece, this time using a different type of wax, to see whether it would make a difference or not. It did not. If anything it dipped even less, which is quite saddening. So I attempted to make my own dip, which didn't work out that well.
In the last few days I've been watching a few T.V programs. One was called Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, which is a show centred around a group of teenagers (most of them being played by famous actors and actresses who are over the age of 40, which is hilarious in itself) on their first day at summer camp. It was a really enjoyable series which made me immediately go and watch the original film that the series is a prequel of. I also watched Humans, a drama that asks the question, what makes a human a human? For me, it was interesting up to a point but it began to get dull towards the end, similar to how Utopia (a show that bares some resemblance to Humans) stopped being interesting after the first season.

Tomorrow I go on holiday for about ten days so there won't be another post until then. During this time I'm going to be thinking a lot about the concept behind the work that I'm creating, as well as reading an assortment of books including Infinite Jest and Dune. I'll also be going to a few galleries in London and Paris, which I'm really looking forward to, as I haven't been to an exhibition for a while.

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