Thursday 30 April 2015

Pieces Coming Together

I continued creating my final outcomes today. I managed to make 8 whole pieces, which means I should be finished with the smaller sculptures in a few days, which is quite exciting. I'm really happy about how the work is starting to look, but I'm not completely sure whether all the emotions that I'm trying to convey will be successful. Some seem to work really well, but others are a little more obscure and hard to discern. Saying this though, the majority of the feedback that I have been getting has been positive, with most people being able to guess which particular emotion I'm trying to evoke, without being prompted. I feel that I should show my work to people who aren't familiar with what I'm doing, to see whether they can tell what it is that I'm actually trying to say. This would be important as it would help me to see whether my work will be understood when it's being exhibited in about a month.

I also had some further thoughts about where to put my larger scale sculptures today. I considered how I could take one (or all) of them to different kinds of locations, for example a beach, the countryside and a town. Then I would either photograph them in these places and take them back and display them during the exhibition at Wensum Lodge, or photograph them but leave them where they were, returning every week or so to photograph them from the same spot again, documenting the degradation process. Either way I would create a book, talking about the work and displaying the photographs that I had taken up to that point alongside the text. If I were to go ahead with the latter idea I would also give out maps to find the work, obviously the locations would be fairly spread out, but the map itself would become part of the work in itself. I just need to think about the possible specific locations and whether I feel comfortable with my work being possibly stolen.

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