a r c h i v e

Monday 25 May 2015

Abandoned Spaces

Today I went to a place called Bawdsey with a friend of mine, this was so that he could take photographs of abandoned buildings' interiors for an art project. First we went to an area that used to house a group of radio transmission buildings. The place had so many abandoned buildings and spaces to photograph, which were all really interesting to look into. It was weird to see how much time and effort had gone into creating huge structures of concrete and metal, to be simply abandoned and left to rot. But it was fun to use photography for art purposes, rather than just to document the art work that I create, as I don't think I have taken a picture to be viewed as a piece of art for at least five months.

Later on we went to an old Martello tower near/in Bawdsey. This was also abandoned but we managed to climb into the inside through a window, it was intriguing to see how much of the insides of the building are lost because of how thick the walls are.
I also thought more about my own art project, and started to save the Snapchats that I create on a daily basis. I decided that I may as well begin collecting them now, so that if I do decide to make them into something more in a few weeks I will already have some videos to work with. As the majority of my Snapchat stories are intended to be ironic, I think it would be a thought-provoking process to consider what the concept behind the work would be. This is definitely something to consider.
As well as this I thought about making art work to be placed outside in random spaces, slightly taking forward a small aspect of the last project. I am yet to think about what this might actually be, but I think the idea of putting something to be seen by people in the public domain would be an interesting one to explore.

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