a r c h i v e

Saturday 9 May 2015

Butley and Printing

Yesterday I went to Butley again for more work experience. A lot of my day involved painting the insides of plaster moulds with liquid wax, a similar process to what I was doing last week but with a different material. I also shovelled some grog (as always). It was a really good day, and I learned a lot from being a part of the process.

Today I finalised and printed the main book, filled with images of the small sculptures and their individual names. I think all the books so far have turned out quite well, if a little similar to the books that I created for my last project. I am a little worried that people will find it hard to understand, as a lot of the books have no real explanation at the beginning, just a definition. Hopefully the book with the actual explanation for the project (which I haven't created yet) will be read by at least a few people. 

I also began printing the pamphlets off, I started with around 50, and I think I'm going to print off 50 more, which will probably be enough. I doubt 100 people will actually visit the show, let alone pick up my pamphlets.

Tomorrow I hope to continue writing my evaluation and the essay that's going inside one of the books. I also want to go and put the sculptures in their locations soon, so that I can photograph them and make the book/map.

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